What Global Warming?

iconGlobal Warming doesn't seem to be having much effect on Alaska.

An advancing glacier is threatening to choke Russell Fiord and back up the river running into the fiord, cutting off salmon and steelhead migration and destroying Yakutat's livelihood.

Hubbard Glacier is surging forward by as much as 12 feet a day, and residents are considering their options, such as a $1 million diversion trench away from the Situk River.

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How dare you trump logic and common sense over science? bastard!

Posted by: Mays at May 6, 2004 10:08 AM

Global warming could be effecting it. Could, not probably, just could.
More water in air equals more snow in upper elevations. More snow means heavier glacier top. Heavier top means more weight pushing downward.
This is eco-logic. They will always find a reason to make it look like they are right.
I do not believe it but a lot of factors could be effecting the glacier

Posted by: gunner at May 7, 2004 12:42 AM

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