Black Democrats see racism in party

iconBlack lawmakers in Maryland are starting to become disenchanted with the Democrat Party.

"They really don't care about us. We are used every four years, then thrown back." -- Delegate Tony E. Fulton, D-Baltimore

"The Democratic Party acts as if they own black people. The state party is racist to the core." -- Delegate Clarence "Tiger" Davis, D-Baltimore.

"I think the Democratic Party takes black people for granted. I think what [the Democratic Party] does in the state is just a reflection of what it does as a whole on the national level." -- Delegate Nathaniel T. Oaks, D-Baltimore.

Does this mean that some prominent black leaders will start stumping for Republicans? Not hardly.
None of the lawmakers who complained about racism said he intended to leave the party, but Mr. Davis said Democrats could lose clout in state politics and next-generation members.

"I think the Democratic Party may lose younger, more economically stable African Americans if it does not demonstrate the capacity to understand their issues and support the economic needs of that community," he said.

It's nice to hear that some folks are finally starting to see the light. But when they decide to do nothing about it and still go along with toeing the Democrat line, I start to lose hope.

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"More economically stable" meaning "paying taxes and not on the government dole."

In other words: REPUBLICANS.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at May 10, 2004 10:07 AM

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