SUVs are killing the Eskimos

iconReuters carries the bleeding heart sob story of the Inuit people who live in the Arctic and polar regions of Canada, Russia and Alaska. The "news" agency reports that "climate change", the latest buzz word for global warming, is killing off the Eskimo lifestyle.

"The Inuit have now become the net recipients of toxins coming from afar and we carry heavy body burdens in our blood core and the nursing milk of our mothers," Watt-Cloutier told an environmental conference. "Not of our doing, we are being poisoned from afar."

Inuit say that rising temperatures are undermining traditional lifestyles based around hunting for animals like seal, whale, walrus and polar bear.

"For us, the environment is our supermarket," Watt-Cloutier said. "We are out there every single day and every day we can't help but wonder what surprises lie as a result of the things that are happening."

More thawing permafrost -- the normally perpetually frozen layer of earth -- heavier snowfalls and seas with longer ice-free seasons are some visible effects of climate change in the area, she said.

Keep in mind that in the 1970s, the alarm was being spread about the dangers of Global Cooling. At one point, environmentals even suggested painting the icecaps black so that they could absorb more of the sun's rays.

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Hell, just Tuesday night PBS's NOVA program detailed how the Earth's magnetic field is failing fast, and in another thousand years won't exist, and how that means that Earth's atmosphere will be stripped off by the solar wind like Mars's was.


I didn't watch enough of the show to determine exactly how humans and SUV's were responsible for this, but I have it on tape for later review.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at May 13, 2004 9:42 AM

Well, personally I always wanted to die in a fiery blaze, such as a solar wind invasion. I welcome anything that can make my life better and more enjoyable while i'm living, and something that will make me appreciate dying when I actually do die. Hell, who want's to die of old age? No, really give it to me!

Posted by: Mays at May 13, 2004 12:00 PM

Did PBS mention that this has happened a few hundred times before, and somehow life survived?

Posted by: markm at May 15, 2004 7:03 PM

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