Kerry's campaign finance loophole

icon"Only John Kerry could be for a nominating convention, but be against the nomination. This is just the latest example of John Kerry's belief that the rules are for other people, not for him." -- Ken Mehlman, the Bush-Cheney campaign manager.

Kerry is considering delaying his acceptance of the Democrat nomination, in order to bypass campaign finance legislation. Now, if a candidate can delay their nomination acceptance in order to delay accepting $75 Million in federal funds, is it not conceivable that they time the nomination acceptance to maximize the funds available. I mean, if Bush chooses to continue with private funding, can't he theoretically delay his nomination acceptance until a week before the election and then receive $75 Million in public money to boost his campaign at the end?

Of course the whole ordeal reeks of hypocrisy. Campaign finance has enjoyed wide-spread bipartisan support. But as soon as the rules come into play, the very people that supported them will move heaven and earth to get around them.

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Why the heck is the federal government handing out money to candidates in the first place? 75 mil to both candidates? That's about 50 cents per person in this country...may not seem like much but those 'its just x cents/person' items really seem to add up quickly these days.

Posted by: MMW at May 25, 2004 8:24 AM

In case you hadn't noticed, there is a war going on between the Clinton wing of the Democratic party (Terry McAullife (sp) and the DNC) versus the Kennedy wing of the party (Kerry and Teddy).

We should encourage this.


Posted by: Rich at May 25, 2004 3:15 PM

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