Those lying motherfuckers

iconVirginia's lying, no good, fucktard of a democrat governor, Mark Warner, coupled with some tax and spend Republicans in the Legislature screamed doom and gloom in this year's budget battle. They claimed that large deficits were on the way, and that in order to preserve Virginia's prized bond rating, the largest tax increase in the history of the Commonwealth was absolutely necessary. If we don't raise taxes by a record $1.6 Billion, they said, little children will die, the rivers will turn to blood, and it will rain down locusts and cicadas. (Okay, so it actually is raining cicadas.) But that was in April.

A mere month later in May, it turns out that Virginia actually has a $300 Million surplus. This is before the tax hikes even take effect in July. In short, those cocksuckers were lying to us. So, will they repeal the tax hike? As a Virginia taxpayer, I expect to see the largest tax cut in Virginia history to undo the largest tax increase passed just last month.

But do I really expect it to happen? No fucking way. Tax hikes are never repealed. That luxury is only reserved for tax cuts.

Category:  Left-wing Conspiracy
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I only wish you felt strongly about this...

Posted by: Da Goddess at May 26, 2004 5:05 PM

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