Fifteen Minutes

iconKim is having trouble maintaining his composure. Apparently the network news hacks are fed up with the wall to wall Reagan coverage, and are anxious to get back to obsessing about Abu Gharib and the Iraq "quagmire".

President Reagan's State funeral hadn't even finished, when those Lefty churls Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings were bitching and moaning about "too much Reagan".

Here's Rather:
"Even though everybody is respectful and wants to pay homage to the president, life does go on," Rather told the Philadelphia Inquirer.

"There is other news, like the reality of Iraq," said the CBS Evening News anchor. "It got very short shrift this weekend."

"Once the herd starts moving in one direction, it's very hard to turn it, even slightly," Rather said. "Nationally, the herd has grown tremendously." Oh yeah -- sorry to distract you from your "quagmire" obsession, Danny boy. You bastard. Shut your fucking mouth.

Brokaw and Jennings are in there too.

Category:  Blaming the Media
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They're trying to retreat in contact, Rave. But we don't have to allow it.

Keep the pressure on.

Posted by: Francis W. Porretto at June 12, 2004 10:14 AM

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