Berg who?

iconWith the Reagan funeral over, the media is back to hammering away at Bush about the Abu Ghraib prison kerfuffle. After prison abuses came to light, Bush offered to tear down the prison, but Iraqis don't want that to happen.

Interim Iraqi President Ghazi Yawar on Sunday said he had no plans to destroy the Abu Ghraib prison despite an offer by President Bush to tear down the jail where U.S. troops abused inmates.

Asked if he would tear down the prison, Yawar told ABC's "This Week," "No. Why? It's a prison that we spent more than $100 million building."

Hmm. Could it be that this is a bigger deal with the American media than with the Iraqi people?

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Of course it isn't as big a deal to them then us. We didn't spend all that money on it, we just went in there and tortured their people. We have our imperialistic ideals and they just want to live their lives. Sounds like the whole iraq war. Us going in and making people's lives miserable. You have issues!

Posted by: tbone at June 16, 2004 12:40 AM

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