Europeans looking to censor the web

iconThe European community is looking for ways to censor "hate speech" on the web. Thank God our country's founders had the forsight to protect our freedom of expression.

Experts gathered in Paris on Wednesday seeking a common approach to combating racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic propaganda on the Internet, believed to be a chief factor in rising numbers of hate crimes.

Officials from more than 60 countries were attending the two-day conference aimed at finding ways to keep racist information off the Web without compromising free speech and freedom of expression.

Now I dislike "hate speech" and racism as much as the next guy. But the European approach to the problem is backwards. "Hate speech" doesn't cause crime, it's the asshole who pulls the trigger that commits the murder. No matter what the motive, the victim is just as dead.

I guess the major problem with limiting speech is that these Euroweenies don't know where to draw the line. In this day and age where people are so hypersensative and easily offended, almost anything can be twisted so that it classifies as "hate speech". If I say that I hate France, am I committing a crime or just exercising sound judgement? If someone reads that and says "Yeah, I hate them too, I'm gonna go kill a bunch of Frenchies", don't blame me. Blame the guy that commits the crime.

Plus they're always trying to elevate "hate crimes" to some sort of special status. As if killing a person for the $100 in his pocket is not quite as bad as killing him because he's French. Dead is dead, and if you kill someone, should do the time. (Actually, I think you should be hanged from the neck until dead, but we know the Euros won't go for that.) But piling on extra punishment because the killer harbored some special contempt for the guy he was killing is dumb. Furthermore, it cheapens your average, everyday, murdering for drugs or money predator. When it comes to sociopathic predators, I say kill them all. They are all equally worthless.


Don't forget, the "hate crimes" thing is just the camels nose under the tent. It is an effort to criminalize thought, and not just actions. FIrst, "bad hateful racist " thought is criminalized, then "polictically incorrect" thought, finally any thought the government dislikes. There should NEVER be any so called "hate crimes" laws.

Posted by: charlie32 at June 18, 2004 9:15 AM

"hate crimes" legislation is nothing but knee-jerk reactionism to several high-profile cases, particularly the Matthew Shepard case. It was murder, but it was labelled (by the media, of course) as a Hate-Murder so of course, that made it worse... right?? no, of course it didn't... it's still murder.

It takes a certain amount of hatred to kill another human being in any circumstance... one does not go and kill someone without proper motivation.... usually it's some kind of hatred, be it a temporary, reactionary hatred of the guy who is trying to mug you or a more permenent hatred of the color of a man's skin or the sexual preference of a woman... it's still hatred, so therefore ALL murders are hate-crimes, aren't they????

Posted by: Jim S at June 18, 2004 11:03 AM

Of course, if a muslim says all jews are apes and pigs, and all infidels should be killed, thats OK because cultural values will be protected. If I say muslims should suck it up and get a life, instead of perpetualy whining, THAT will be hate speech.

Posted by: robert in england at June 18, 2004 1:44 PM

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