Law of unintended consequences

iconI'm not sure how I missed this one, but better late than never. The unintended consequences of the Australian gun ban are taking hold. I'm surprised PETA isn't stepping into the fray on this one.

Brian Kentwell says he has been left with no choice but to "hammer" injured or dying animals as he patrols 75 kilometres of irrigation channels in the district.

Mr Kentwell feels he is a casualty of the new handgun legislation that now precludes the use of pistols in the agricultural category.

Mr Kentwell, who has been manager of the Marthaguy Irrigation Scheme for 15 years, said he was no longer permitted to use the 9mm Ruger he was specifically licensed to carry for the humane euthanasia of stock and native animals bogged in channels or injured when hit by vehicles.

"Just last week I had to put down a kangaroo that had two broken legs. It's not very pleasant at the best of times and doubly difficult without a firearm," he said.

Kentwell is applying to register his rifle, but the government is so backed up he'll have to wait months. Of course, he can't even carry a sword any more either.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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It's fucked up.

Posted by: Dave The Australian at June 24, 2004 10:31 PM

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