Chutzpah Watch

iconJohn Kerry is a little upset at the schedule mishap in the Senate. He flew all the way back to Washington to actually represent his constituents cast a rare vote in the Senate, and the GOP had the nerve to postpone the vote. CNN captures his outrage:

"Oh, no. Not in this Senate, not with these people. Once again, it's my way or the highway, shut the door, lock the people out, don't let them take part in the democracy, don't respect the institution. Don't show the common courtesies that actually bring people together to find the common ground. So they found a way all day to twiddle their thumbs, do very little, attend a reception at the White House, but not let John Kerry vote.

"That's the way they play."

The guy is gone more than 80% of the time, and when he does show up he expects the rest of the Senate to work around his schedule. This is coming from the man whose party blocked all judicial appointments until they got their way. This man filibustered the appointments of no less than four minority candidates, ensuring that the Senate would not get to vote on them.

Kerry has missed so many votes over the past two years, maybe the Republicans figured one more wouldn't make a difference.

Category:  Notable Quotables
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Maybe if he actually stayed in DC and did his JOB-you know, those mundane things like committee meetings and stuff that he's suddenly above-he wouldn't have to worry about not being around for important votes.

Some people in MA have called for him to resign, since he's not doing the job he was elected to do. Of course, the Gov is a Republican, so there's no way he will.
Also, there's a move somewhere in the MA legislature that would stop said Gov from appointing a replacement Senator should Fuckface win in Nov. Seems some in MA would rather have no Senator than have a Republican one.

Posted by: Heartless Libertarian at June 24, 2004 5:57 PM

How can you attack Kerry for not being in D.C. while he's campaining around the U.S. and Bush has taken more vacation time than any other president in history? 94 days a year average. ZING! ZIP! ZOWIE! Do some research, dammit. How can you live with your own ignorance?

Posted by: Tobias at June 24, 2004 8:16 PM

And another thing, why do you righties love to talk so much? Especially if you have nothing valid to say, you should write a whole lot less and research a whole lot more. But that would be a near impossibility with your incessant shlogging, how could you possibly have the time to do any actual research?

Posted by: Tobias at June 24, 2004 8:22 PM

And lastly, YOU ARE A COWARD SIR. The promotion of gun use is associated with the likes of braindead cowardly assholes such as Charlton Heston and yourself. Guns require no skills to murder someone. You need not learn a thing to take someone's life. Use a sword, coward.

Posted by: Tobias at June 24, 2004 8:32 PM

"you should write a whole lot less and research a whole lot more" followed shortly by "coward", "braindead cowardly assholes" and, what the hell, another "coward". Thanks for flexing your intellectual skills in public for us, Tobias!

Posted by: mikem at June 24, 2004 9:46 PM

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