Ravenwood - 06/25/04 06:45 AM
You bore me.
Posted by: Ravenwood at June 25, 2004 3:30 PMYes.
Posted by: Ravenwood at June 25, 2004 5:39 PMThanks for flexing that intellect again for us, Toby.
Posted by: mikem at June 25, 2004 9:18 PMI think, Toby, that your little fantasy that you spelled out where you rape, mutilate and murder a woman has convinced everyone that you are either one very sick little Toby (my guess) or perhaps simply one of the faithful followers hoping for 72 fellow virgins at the end of your hateful life. Personally, I think you are just a youngster (grade school/high school) that probably gets picked on a lot at school (hygiene perhaps) and takes out his frustrations anonymously on the web. What I find most hilarious about your ranting is how you insult other commentators and then use their predictable lack of response as PROOF that your rants are true. That is certainly childish logic, but I am sure it meets your needs. I hope that you either get some help or change religions before you are able to act out your bloody sexual fantasies. Other than that, thanks for giving us such a revealing look at your personality.
PS Obviously, it was way over the top for you, but actually I was being sarcastic when I mentioned you "flexing your intellect". I can't believe you actually took that as a compliment.
Toby: "I offer you know proof", because it's hard enough to remember advanced intellectual tasks such as the difference between and proper usage of 'no' and 'know'.
" I namecall and badger to intise you". Toby, I 'entice' you to finish the seventh grade regardless of how many years it takes. Six letter words can be a real challenge to grade schoolers, but you need to do this work. You don't want to humiliate yourself as an adult, do you?
"Site your sources". Well, that's what Raven has done. This IS a web site, or did you mean he should "cite" his sources? How humiliating for you, Toby. You demand that others "site" sources when you yourself are so unfamiliar with the procedure that you CANNOT EVEN SPELL IT CORRECTLY.
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