Ravenwood - 07/12/04 06:30 AM
In the 1990s, many liberals claimed that Bill Clinton was the first black president. Now, according to the Washington Times, John Edwards could be the first black vice president.
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., Illinois Democrat, told the Associated Press in April that the lack of diversity in Mr. Kerry's inner circle could "dampen voter enthusiasm" and was a problem that should be "quickly remedied."Since Edwards is not running for re-election in the Senate, there will be no more blacks in that house of Congress, save for a longshot win of Denise Majette in Georgia.Mr. Cummings and the Kerry campaign said the criticism was unfair, but the campaign immediately began seeking qualified blacks to fill communications slots, an issue in the campaign that Rep. James E. Clyburn, South Carolina Democrat, also described as a "problem."
But it seems that the addition of Mr. Edwards as the vice-presidential candidate has turned the black electorate around.
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