You may not have any rights, but at least you've got your health

iconWhen it comes to smoking and anti-smoking, sniffing out the bullshit is usually pretty easy. There are very few positions on the debate. There are the smokers, who are clearly in the minority and dying off every day. There are their non-smoking supporters (such as myself) who espouse truly "live and let live" libertarian beliefs. We are an even smaller minority. There are the anti-smokers who show such contempt for smokers I wouldn't be at all surprised to read about them tying smokers to the back of their truck and dragging them to their deaths. They are also a minority. Then there are the useful idiots, who normally would care less but if it came down to a vote would side with non smokers just because they don't really give a shit about anything that doesn't effect them. This is the overwhelming majority.

Of course then there's guys like this who are vehemently opposed to smoking, but are masquerading as so-called experts. They will say whatever lies it takes to advance their agenda.

A few weeks ago before the Prince concert, I took my family to W.A. Frost for dinner. The evening was beautiful, the food was outstanding, but the air was intolerable because of a chain smoker sitting two tables upwind. Did I mind the $300 dinner bill and the $45 tip to the server? Not really. Will I go back? Not until W.A. Frost is smoke-free. Am I just uniquely fussy? Not at all.

When I was director of CardioVision 2020...

He lost me. I can't read any more. Nevermind that he's still partying like its 1999 with Prince, and is too stupid to ask for a table in the non smoking section, but he's a medical doctor (the letter is signed Dr. Killjoy, MD or something) and former director of some group called CardioVision. Color me skeptical, but I think this guy might be biased.

A quick google of CardioVision turns up their website, where they claim to support the prevention of cardiovascular disease through nannyism and "community action". A look at their about page digs up this gem:

Our goal is to promote a smoke-free environment, heart-healthy nutrition habits and a physically active lifestyle for all children and adults...

CardioVision 2020 Five Personal Goals
- Five servings of fruits and/or vegetables per day and choose only lean or extra lean meats and low-fat dairy products.
- 30 minutes of physical activity most, if not all, days of the week.
- Tobacco-free lifestyle and zero exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
- Total cholesterol <200 mg/dl (LDL <100 mg/dl for individuals with coronary heart disease).
- Blood pressure <130/85.

Now, setting personal goals is admirable. But when you impose goals on other people, they cease to become goals.

Now, if Dr. Busybody would keep to just applying market pressure on businesses or peer pressure on people, that'd be fine. Boycotts never work, and we've all heard boobs like this claim how much money they're not going to spend at some business because they aren't getting their way. (Personally, I think a $45 tip on $300 is lousy.) Fine, go someplace else. That is his right.

But Dr. Forceyoutoexercise doesn't stop there. He and his group are calling for legislative action. He pleads for the mayor to use the police power of the government to force people to stop smoking. I don't care what the health effects are, that's wrong. And if he can use political power to keep people from smoking, whats to stop them from mandating exercise period or banning all but the leanest of meats?

When my doctor nags me about eating less or exercising more, I find a new doctor, and let him know why.

UPDATE: Kim du Toit covers a similar topic. Government mandated exercise might be on it's way.

Category:  Pleasure Police
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Watch for the food icosahedron, ``Regular solids through regular solids'' Thirty servings of bran, twenty servings of leafy fruits and vegetables, and twelve moon pies.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at July 14, 2004 4:44 AM

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