He'll bring new meaning to the term filibuster

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Filibuster meant pirate originally. Its derived from the old french flibustier, which came from the Dutch vribuiter, which completed the circle by being their version of the English Free Booter. So to hold a filibuster is to steal the proceedings, so to speak.
Maybe Ditka will hold a filly buster?

Posted by: Drew at July 13, 2004 10:58 PM

Drew, filibuster is derived from flibustier (old French)?

Given that it is similar to another French word describing an article of clothing worn on the upper female torso, couldn't the original meaning be "to stop conversation by doing the unexpected." I know our political analysts are always surprised when one occurs.


Posted by: Rich at July 14, 2004 4:24 AM

Rich, by an amazing coincidence, I am reading a book on pirates, written by Barry Clifford, the guy who found the Wydah a few years back. The Wydah was the first verified sunken pirate ship ever found. He went on to find others, and has done extensive research. So I'm willing to accept his etymology.

Properly worn, that article of clothing can steal the show too!

Posted by: Drew at July 14, 2004 11:33 AM

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