GFWs create gun-free 'safe zone'

iconIf the Bungalow owners and managers want to be anti-gun, that is their business. (Although calling it a "safe zone" is foolhardy.) But I have trouble with them giving people a slanted impression about gun owners in their restaurant.

On Friday afternoon, Kevin M. Tracy ordered signs to be posted in the windows of the four The Bungalow restaurants in Northern Virginia. They'll read: "The Bungalow, a Homeland Security model facility. No firearms, no WMDs, safe zone."

Tracy, the restaurants' director of operations, said the small chain decided to ban gun-toting customers in March after a man with a firearm strapped to his hip sat down in its Franconia restaurant and ordered a margarita. [...]

"People change when they have alcohol," Tracy said. "I think people make too many bad judgments. I've had people who were perfectly wonderful snap."

I think they are giving the impression that an armed patron was in there boozing it up, which is not the case. The patron in question was ordering a drink for his wife, something that both the bar owner and the Washington Post conveniently leave out.

But then that's the whole point. All the negative publicity seems to be working.

Sen. Janet D. Howell (D-Fairfax) said she'll reintroduce a bill that would prohibit openly carried guns anywhere alcohol is served.

"I think that any reasonable person would agree that alcohol and guns don't mix," Howell said.

I'm a reasonable person and an advocate of gun safety, and I do agree that consuming alcohol while carrying a gun is not a wise practice. Then again, I think only a foolish gun grabbing weenie with a higher anti-gun agenda would assume that every single person that dines in a restaurant (Virginia doesn't have any bars) is drinking alcohol.

The allowance of firearms should be left up to the proprietor, not the government. It seems to be working for the anti-gunners at the Bungalow.

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So in essence The Bungalow has posted a sign that says, "Come rob us during a busy Friday or Saturday night. We're unarmed and you won't have to worry about being shot."

Lovely. That's just the kind of establishment I want to patronize. [/sarcasm]

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at July 19, 2004 7:40 AM

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