Blame it on Rio

iconPoliticians in Brazil are feeling pretty good about themselves. Their cash for guns program took in a major haul recently, which they blissfully think will stem the tide of violence in the crime-ravaged nation.

A woman has turned in nearly 1,300 guns to federal police, responding to a government campaign for citizens to surrender privately held weapons.

The woman had kept the guns at home since her father, an arms collector, died eight years ago, federal policeman Wagner Castilho said Saturday. [...]

The government is paying Brazilians to surrender their weapons in an effort to reduce the country's murder rate, one of the world's highest.

Yeah, $65,000 is a lot of money, but her gun collection was probably worth several hundred thousand dollars. Also, she doesn't seem to be much of a crime risk. Coercing little old ladies to give up their guns does nothing to reduce the murder rate. But you can't tell that to the gun fearing wussies who ignorantly think that evil guns are the root of all crime.

While gun buybacks are a good way for criminals to get rid of crime guns (no questions asked), the Brazilian program is mostly taking in antiques.

[M]ost are old, and some even date back to World War II, police said.
Of cours, all these old guns, including any priceless relics, will be melted down for scrap.

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A woman has turned in nearly 1,300 guns to federal police...

I think I'm gonna cry...

Posted by: Kerry A at July 26, 2004 11:54 AM

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