Ravenwood - 07/29/04 06:00 AM
Drudge reports that John Kerry was quite the filmmaker in Vietnam, re-enacting action scenes and casting himself as the hero.
NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson in his new book RECKLESS DISREGARD, details one of the claimed Kerry reenactments for film:The short films that Kerry made are being given a Hollywood makeover into what Steven Speilberg protege James Moll is calling a "documentary". In reality, it's a marketing film, and it should debut tonight."On February 28, 1969, now in charge of PCF 94, Kerry came under fire from an enemy location on the shore. The crew's gunner returned fire, hitting and wounding the lone gunman. Kerry directed the boat to charge the enemy position. Beaching his boat, Kerry jumped off, chased the wounded insurgent behind a thatched hutch, and killed him. Kerry and his crew returned within days, armed with a Super 8 video camera he had purchased at the post exchange at Cam Ranh Bay, and reenacted the skirmish on film."
Category: Left-wing Conspiracy
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James Moll needs to learn correct spelling. That film would be a mockumentary.
Posted by: markm at July 29, 2004 12:17 PM(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014