When Lawyers Attack

iconAt the dawn of the atomic age in the 1950s, kids were taught to "duck and cover" during a nucular attack. It didn't make them any safer, but it's easier to kiss your ass goodbye when you're cowering under your desk in the fetal position. As a product of the Cold War, growing up in the 1980s, and living on the largest Naval facility on the East Coast I accepted my fate. Even as a young boy, I realized that if a nucular war every happened, I was toast. No amount of ducking and covering would help.

Maybe that explains why I think these people are nuts.

They weren't terrorists - just lawyers with BB guns.

Police responding to an emergency call at a St. Louis office building found a handful of women hiding under desks and in closets.

Some of them reported they had seen two men carrying guns.

But Melinda Hagaman, who works in the building, told the officers not to worry. She said it was just a couple of lawyers who work down the hall having some fun.

She adds boys will be boys.

I guess hiding in the closet or under your desk might save your life from a man with a gun. But I still think that if you aren't armed yourself, running away hysterically is the best defensive move. If everyone does it, just stay toward the middle of the pack like a zebra or gazelle. Also little kids are clumsy and tend to run pretty slow, so just kick them out of the way. Hey it might even buy you some time when killers go for them instead.

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Run from a knife, jump a gun.

Fortunately, I've never had to implement that plan.

Posted by: Brian J. at August 5, 2004 8:57 AM

I liked Melinda Hagaman's response:

"After getting hit with some BB's, Hagaman says she got mad. She grabbed one of the guns and started firing back."

Posted by: Persnickety at August 5, 2004 11:32 AM

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