It takes a village

iconIn the past few months, comedian Bill Cosby has publicly stated that black Americans need to start taking more personal responsibility. John Kerry disagrees.

While he was careful not to just brush aside Bill Cosby, he basically said that black parents can't be expected to raise their kids by themselves, and that the government and society play an important role in helping minorities.

"We also need to do the things we need to do as a society to empower those people, have plans for those kids, to make the world safer," Kerry said. "It's all of us together."
"These people"? Is that anything like 'you people'? Kerry's condescension of black Americans is appalling. To steal from the great Dr. Walter E. Williams, "his vision differs little from one that holds that blacks are a rudderless, victimized people who cannot control their destiny and whose best hope depends upon the benevolence of white people." Kerry's attitude is as dangerous as it is stupid. Quite frankly, as long as he continues to enjoy 90% of their vote, Kerry has more to gain than anyone by keeping blacks dependent on government assistance.

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