I hope they wash the sheets first

iconI've never understood people who get starstruck. I abhor People magazine, E!, or any other vultures that follow celebrities around and make a big todo about who is sleeping with who this week. But now apparently even sleeping in the same beds as celebrities is a big tourist attraction. It would give me the heeby jeebies.

Sleeping in the same bed as Madonna, Bill Clinton, Victoria Beckham, Derek Jeter, the Vanderbilts, Sean Connery or Madeleine Albright is a claim to fame shared by many well-traveled corporate executives.

OK, so maybe it wasn't on the same night.

Hotels all over the world glory in stories about guests past and present - royalty, rock stars, politicians, athletes, gangsters, ghosts and the English poet who carried on an affair with the hotel owner's wife.

Madonna? Bill Clinton? That's not a bed I'd like to dive into.

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