Ravenwood - 08/13/04 06:00 AM
New Jersey Governor James McGreevey is a self-serving liar and an adulterer. He could not even keep the sacred vows he made to his wife, so one has to wonder how he could serve the best interests of his constituents. The fact that his affair was homosexual should not even matter.
I think it's obvious that he is throwing his homosexuality up in front of him like a sort of "gay card" in order to deflect criticism and blame. In excusing his infidelity and possible criminal activity because he's gay, he is in fact insulting all homosexuals. Especially those that live otherwise normal lives, committed to a loved one. Basically, by implying we shouldn't blame him because he's gay, he's giving gay people a bad name.
I also take issue with his resignation. If his behavior is so reprehensible that it requires his resignation (and it is), why not resign now? He's making no secret of the fact that he's postponing his resignation for three months because he doesn't want New Jersey to hold a special election. By waiting, he ensures that the Senate President (a Democrat) will serve out his term and the citizens of New Jersey won't have to be bothered with all that democracy stuff.
UPDATE: Geek points out that the Senate President who would become Governor is none other than the rabidly anti-gun Senator Dick Codey, who recently said women who are being raped having a "dispute" with a rapist should not attempt to fight back. (Apparently she should just lay there and enjoy it until a man comes along to rescue her.)
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