The Sissification of America VII

iconIf the children are our future, we may all be doomed. Some educators are going the extra mile to turn America into a nation of sissies, and this year it shows more than ever. Now they want to ban red ink because it's too frightening.

When it comes to correcting papers and grading tests, purple is emerging as the new red.

"If you see a whole paper of red, it looks pretty frightening," said Sharon Carlson, a health and physical education teacher at John F. Kennedy Middle School in Northampton. "Purple stands out, but it doesn't look as scary as red."

The color red is scary? You've got to be kidding me!
Red's legacy as the color used in correcting papers and marking mistakes goes back to the 1700s, the era of the quill pen. In those days, red ink was used by clerks and accountants to correct ledgers. From there, it found its way into teachers' hands.
So we've been using red for hundreds of years. But now all of a sudden it's a problem. These people are crazy. (not mentally unbalanced, not socially unstable, they are crazy) Check out what some of the teachers have to say about it:
"I do not use red," said Robin Slipakoff, who teaches second and third grades at Mirror Lake Elementary School in Plantation, Fla. "Red has a negative connotation, and we want to promote self-confidence. I like purple. I use purple a lot."

Sheila Hanley, who teaches reading and writing to first- and second-graders at John F. Kennedy Elementary School in Randolph, said: "Red is definitely a no-no. But I don't know if purple is in."

I could see this easily translating to the grown-up world. Yeah, he's still fired, but we don't like to make the "pink slips" pink. It's too negative. We use purple with yellow polkadots to make the worker feel good about themselves on the way down to the unemployment office.

Related articles:
The Sissification of America VI - 04/20/2004
The Sissification of America V - 02/09/2004
The Sissificaton of America IV - 11/04/2003
The Sissification of America III - 07/28/2003
The Sissification of America II - 06/11/2003
The Sissification of America - 05/12/2003
The Empire Strikes Backpack - 01/06/2003
California trades back pain for eye strain - 10/14/2003


So when they get to 7th grade, do they read the "Lilak Letter" and the "Plum Badge of Courage?"

This is enough to cause a PCOB moment.

Posted by: Nick Bourbaki at August 25, 2004 9:14 AM

When working as a technical writer five years ago, the woman-dominated department moved to purple from red to spare feelings.

I kept my red pens and I used them.

Posted by: Brian J. at August 25, 2004 9:22 AM

I'm a green penner myself, but I make up for it by wearing a lot of red. But soon redheads will be offensive if this is a trend.


Posted by: hln at August 26, 2004 8:34 PM

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