And they wonder why they're going bankrupt

iconIf you want to deal with an actual person, Northwest Airlines is going to start charging you up to $10 a ticket. Likewise, they are going to start charging travel agents up to $7.50 to book tickets on Northwest. (Didn't they used to pay travel agents to book their tickets?) At United Airlines, frequent fliers who want to book an award ticket will be charged $15 if they choose not to book online.

Of course this is all part of air travel becoming a commodity. With there being little or no differentiation between the airlines, it's no wonder customers are always looking for the lowest price.

My prediction: This will spread to grocery stores. Right now you have the option of ringing up and bagging your groceries yourself. In a few years, customers will probably be charged extra (like they are for gas) if they still want full service.

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That hasn't really taken off for banks yet, and that particular lead balloon has been floating in large cities for years now.

I'd hope to see a consumer backlash for this. I never use automated checkout lanes in supermarkets, for instance. I'd rather be ignored by a living, breathing, high school kid.

Posted by: Brian J. at August 26, 2004 8:58 AM

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