California a red state?

iconBush is down 14 points in California, but his point man in the state remains optimistic.

"We've made a sea change in organizing our party, and in reforms'' which have increased GOP registration by 300,000 in California and pumped up party coffers, said Parsky, who chairs the 343-member state delegation here.

"We've made great strides around the president,'' he said. "The president unites Republicans in California ... and the president has made it clear he's going to compete aggressively here.''

He may put in a good showing, but I still think it would take a miracle for Bush to win there.

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I think California is in play. It is an uphill battle, and the election would already be over BEFORE GWB got CA, but I think it is still a posibility. Theresa could certainly put a stake in the Kerry campaign before it is all over.

Posted by: Phelps at August 31, 2004 12:49 PM

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