A coke and a smile

iconIt looks like former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry is on his way to winning back his old city council seat in DC's Ward 8.

By winning the Democrat Primary, Barry pretty much assures himself a victory in November. Just how overwhelming is the District's support for Democrats? In 2000, Gore beat Bush 85.2 to 9%.

After he was caught on a drug sting video tape snorting smoking crack cocaine, Barry was elected to the Ward 8 seat. He used it as a stepping stone to regain his position as Mayor in 1995, and many political pundits feel he is looking to repeat that success.

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I don't blame the guy. He is high most of the time and has no sense of reality; he is lethargic as a result of long-term substance abuse and he has absolutely no moral compass what-so-ever.

The only thing that he could possibly excell at is D.C. politics.

Posted by: N. Bourbaki at September 15, 2004 9:58 AM

I thought it was smoking crack, not snorting coke.

Posted by: sam b at September 15, 2004 11:01 AM

Same thing. Technically he was smoking crack. He was charged with possession of cocaine.

Posted by: Ravenwood at September 15, 2004 11:10 AM

85.2 percent for Gore??? holy cow!!! is it worth trying to save the other 14.8% or should we just nuke 'em all?

Posted by: jason at September 17, 2004 1:17 AM

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