Take me out to the football diamond

iconJohn Kerry just cannot seem to shake his stuffy rich guy image. While visiting Wisconsin, Kerry thanked the crowd at the famed Lambeau Field for welcoming him to Lambert Field.

That's akin to calling the Yankees the Yankers or the Chicago Bulls the Bells. This is a place where Packers jackets often outnumber sports coats in church and thousands of fans wear a big chunk of yellow foam cheese atop their head with the pride of a new parent. [...]

This strategy is not confined to Cheeseland either. Republicans poked fun of Kerry for talking about the Buckeyes (of Ohio State University) while visiting arch rival Michigan (home of the Wolverines). These seemingly innocuous digs fit into a larger Bush-Cheney plan of fashioning the president as a common man and Kerry as a pandering patrician.

Normally, I wouldn't be so petty to point out his verbal gaffes. I don't expect every politician to have the charm and speaking grace of Bill Clinton. (You couldn't believe a word he said, but you can't deny that he said it well.)

But then these are the people that drone on and on about Bush's pronunciation of "nucular" and "misunderestimated". For some reason I find Bush's speech endearing, while Kerry's just shows how out of touch he really is.

UPDATE: Hahaha.. Football Fans for the Truth.

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"Where are all of the airplanes?" was his next comment.

If you don't know, keep your mouth shut, no?


Posted by: hln at September 16, 2004 1:53 PM

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