Unfit for Employment

iconApparently some union employees of Border's bookstore have been bragging about hiding or damaging copies of Unfit for Command so that they cannot be sold.

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Another example of liberal tolerance and diversity. I was in my local independent bookstore about 2 hours ago. The new Kitty Kelly book is front and center. UNFIT FOR COMMAND IS NO WHERE IN SIGHT. This is Schulers Book Store in Grand Rapids, MI one of the largest in the midwest. They are selling T-shirts at the front of the store that say "Amend The Patriot Act". Unfortunately, this is typical of bookstore employees. I think they are so liberal because they tend to be over-educated, underpaid, and very, very angry. For some reason they blame Republicans.

Posted by: kjo at September 18, 2004 8:18 PM

I was at the Borders in Gresham, Oregon today (Sept 19). It was nowhere in sight out on the floor, tho the cashier claimed it was out there. The only place I saw it was behind the cashiers, where they had two full shelves of it. Clinton's tome was way up high where you could see it; Unfit for Command was at about thigh level.

Posted by: Morenuancedthanyou at September 19, 2004 1:12 AM

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