What gun show loophole?

iconSo much for that gun show loophole the GFWs are always spreading lies about. If it were true that gun dealers don't have to conduct background checks at gun shows, just how did this happen?

Van Douglas Godette Jr., 23, from Lake Charles was sentenced Monday by United States District Judge Richard Haik to 21 months imprisonment to be followed by three years supervised release for making false statements to a firearms dealer while attempting to purchase a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol announced United States Attorney Donald W. Washington.

The offense occurred when Godette attempted to purchase firearms at a gun show in Lake Charles in November 2002. While completing the Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Form 4473 Godette answered "no" to questions which ask whether the purchaser has been convicted of a felony. [...]

Godette stipulated at the time of the guilty plea that he well knew tht he had been convicted of a felony when he tried to purchase the 9mm pistol and also an AK-47 type rifle at the gun show. The ATF was alerted to the transaction because of the required background check through the National Instant Criminal Information System which revealed Godette's prior felony convictions.

Gun dealers are required to conduct NICS checks no matter where they sell the gun. The gun grabbers are lying to you.

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This is the first time EVER I've heard of any felon being convicted - or even charged - for attempting to buy a gun that he cannot legally possess. Can I assume from this that, if he had turned in those false forms at the Sporting Goods counter in Walmart and been caught by NICS, nothing would have happened other than not getting the gun?

Posted by: markm at September 30, 2004 12:17 PM

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