I demand a recount

iconHow could the Top 25 Jock Jams not include We Will Rock You by Queen?

These songs all seem pretty weak, in my opinion. Color me biased, but I'm partial to the stadium songs played at Virginia Tech games. I love it when they play Darth Vader's theme. (100k)

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The list seems awfully heavy with very modern tunes. I wouldn't know most of that crap if it were playing for me right now.

My personal favorite was "Seek and Destroy" by Metallica, but they wouldn't let us play it over the loudspeaker before our games back in High School. They thought it was a little too violent, which of course was exactly why we wanted it. We had to settle for "Welcome to the Jungle".

That said, "Eye of the Tiger" is one of the best Jock Jams ever. I'd also have to include Survivor's "Burning Heart" as well. Neither is a good stadium song, though - they are both training songs.

Posted by: roger at October 1, 2004 10:28 AM

That list is pretty weak. For my money, AC/DC's "For Those About to Rock" played at the Patriots/Colts AFC championship game with the Minutemen firing their muskets in the end zone takes top prize

Posted by: Bruce at October 1, 2004 12:01 PM

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