Bush-Kerry Debate I

Spoons liveblogged the debate. Excellent job.

Overall, I don't think Bush won the debate, but I do think Kerry lost it. Kerry had a few crucial points that stuck in my head:
1. "We didn't need that tax cut"
2. Kerry claims to have been consistent, when most of the world realizes that he hasn't.
3. Kerry says we should give nuclear fuel to Iran, and then rely on the U.N. to keep them in line.
4. Kerry says we sent troops into Iraq without proper body armor and that's wrong. Nevermind that Kerry voted against providing them body armor.
5. Bush wants China to help us go after North Korea, Kerry wants us to go it alone.

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I was literally up in arms when point 4 was brought up by Kerry. I was so pissed off.

Posted by: Mays at October 1, 2004 9:25 AM

Lets not forget that Kerry wants the US to ask permission from the UN to defend ourselves.

Posted by: Kokopelli at October 1, 2004 8:29 PM

There you go being logical again. Remember, it's all about the hair.

Posted by: kjo at October 3, 2004 5:46 PM

Kerry wants us to consult the UN for everything, engage in international round tables, and then wants us to take a solitary stand against N. Korea?? Yes, this man's hair looks pretty because of all that KY he uses (to place his head up his ass and ignore logic.)

Posted by: Da Goddess at October 4, 2004 2:26 AM

Uh...Steve, you were watching the same debate I was, right? Your man had NOTHING. THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES....

Posted by: Jack Cluth at October 4, 2004 8:05 AM

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