Partisan violence

iconThere has been a lot of buzz about a recent flare up of violence against Republicans lately. I can't quote everyone, so I'll pick on Geek, who has harvested some links from various sources:

Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando

Shots fired at Bush Tenn. headquarters

FLASHBACK: Shot fired at GOP Headquarters in Huntington...

Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush-Cheney Supporter's Lawn

Personally, I wouldn't put too much stock in these reports. I think that both sides have their fair share of nut cases who are willing to inflict violence or use intimidation to get their way. But I cannot help but observe, you never see gunowners using threats or intimidation tactics against anti-gunners. And of course you sure as hell never see anti-gunners running into NRA headquarters and trying to bust up the place. (Although I would love to see them try.)

For some reason, I think that is very telling.

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Agreed, not too much is to be made of it, but the reports seem awfully asymmetric, in that you hardly hear of KEdwards signs being ripped up.

The more important point that you bring up, which hardly anyone ever does, is the fact that although every ideology has its radicals willing to kill/commit arson/etc for their cause (eg abortion, animal rights, etc) AFAIK no one has ever initiated violence on behalf of gun rights since the American Revolution.

The continued existence of gun bigots is proof positive of the gunnie's ability and willingness to restrain themselves.

Posted by: geekWithA.45 at October 8, 2004 11:50 AM

You wrote, "I think that both sides have their fair share of nut cases who are willing to inflict violence or use intimidation to get their way. "
Wrong. The evidence is clear that the majority of violent nut cases are on the left, with a good portion, (Unions, urban political machines) in the Democratic top circle.
If they were nuts on the right doing this, the MSM would be yelling.

Posted by: Terry at October 8, 2004 2:56 PM

In Seattle the State Campagin headquarters for Bush was broken into and computers with sensitive campaign info were stolen

Posted by: Jeff at October 13, 2004 11:18 PM

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