I'm sure it's an honest mistake

iconNeal points out this little piece of voter fraud from Ohio.

here is the ballot from Cayahoga County, Ohio. Go ahead! Try to vote for Bush. If you follow the arrow you will punch Number 14. But if you read the ballot, you're supposed to punch Number 4.

(click to supersize)

Okay, so this has been making the rounds already for the past two days... I've been busy.

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As a resident of Cuyahoga County, I can tell you that I'm not surprised, and is most definitely not an honest mistake.

They had some a-hole from Cuyahoga County on the radio yesterday talking about the controversy, and all he had to say was, "We think the ballot is perfectly clear. All one has to do is follow the directions." That was about it.

There has been quite a bit of talk about the Democrat stranglehold starting to loosen in this area (perhaps decades of Democrat control and economic decline have something to do with that), but I didn't expect them to just accept it without a fight (i.e. cheating).

Posted by: roger at October 26, 2004 9:54 AM

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