Defending Marriage

iconThere is a lot being said about gay marriage. I think some pundits are putting too much stock in the issue. While it may be a single issue for gays, it is most certainly not a single issue for us heterosexuals. Gun rights, abortion, and the environment are single issues for some. But I doubt that anyone outside of the gay community would vote solely out of sexual bigotry.

Personally, I support gay marriage, civil unions, or whatever you want to call it. It doesn't hurt me, or deny anyone of life, liberty, or property so I'm all for it. But this election has proven that that will never happen the way gays want it, and forcing the issue in the courts is only hurting their cause.

If they're smart, they'll push for "civil unions" that give them the same priviledges that married people enjoy. (Lower taxes, subsidized children, legal protection, etc.) If the only difference is the name, who cares? But their 'in your face' campaign has already backfired, and continuing down that road will only make things worse.

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The gay community has been pushing their "in your face" campaign now for years. I'm not at all surprised that it backfired.

You don't convince people to support your cause by shoving it in their face at every turn.

Posted by: roger at November 5, 2004 9:20 AM

Gay guy here. I agree with you completely.

My personal relationship with my husband (and I use that term in an emotional sense, not a legal sense) is not founded on the legality of us being able to marry. And the vast majority of legal advantages are available to us through other means anyway. So for us, it's a mostly-moot point.

America isn't ready for such a thing, at least not yet. I'm in no rush to ram this down everyones' throats.

Posted by: Keith at November 5, 2004 12:05 PM

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