Adventures in Railroading

iconAsk anyone why Martha Stewart went to jail, and they aren't likely to know. Most people mistakenly think she was busted for insider trading or fuzzy math accounting. Well, she wasn't, and now she wants help with her legal fees.

The $3.7 million figure applies to Stewart's defense on a single criminal count, a charge that she propped up the company's stock price, and therefore her own wealth, in 2002 by declaring her innocence in a personal stock scandal.

A federal judge threw out that count before it went to a jury. Stewart and her ex-stockbroker were later convicted of lying to investigators about why Stewart sold ImClone Systems Inc. (IMCL)stock in 2001.

That's right, she's in jail for 5 months for lying. The feds show up and want to ask you some questions. You haven't been arrested, and thus haven't been informed of your Miranda right to remain silent. If you tell them anything at all, you'd better tell the truth. If you say something misleading or evasive, down you go.

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Here in Jesusland, we faithfull have only one comment:

If Martha got five months for her lie, how many months will "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" get ya?

Posted by: the capitalist at November 11, 2004 7:33 AM

Bubba didn't make that statement to Federal investigators in response to a specific question. He made it to the citizens of America in an attempt to cover his ample ass. But he should've let Hillary speak for herself.

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at November 11, 2004 8:45 AM

so ralph, i guess you missed the civil trial that clinton was convicted of purgury in.......

Posted by: silly man at November 12, 2004 1:00 PM

How much did the government spend to convict her?
And if she were guilty of insider trading do you know how much she saved by selling her stock? Something like $50,000.

This may be the biggest waste of prosecutorial money and power since we spent millions investigating a failed real estate deal in Arkansas.

Posted by: Eric at November 12, 2004 4:45 PM

The real crime is the government making so much of business' business its business. What a protection racket.

Posted by: Brett at November 13, 2004 7:10 PM

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