Obama good, Clarence Thomas bad

iconMichelle Malkin notes that while the press goes gaga over liberal minorities in politics, Republican minorities are treated as an abomination.

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Steve, you can't do better than using a troll like Malkin as a primary source? She is only slightly less objectionable than Ann Coulter, and she has about as little to add to the public conversation as Coulter.

Posted by: Jack Cluth at November 12, 2004 7:19 AM

Steve, you can't do better than using a troll like Malkin as a primary source? She is only slightly less objectionable than Ann Coulter, and she has about as little to add to the public conversation as Coulter.

Posted by: Jack Cluth at November 12, 2004 7:21 AM

Jack -

If she's wrong, why not point out the specific errors or deceptions?

Seems to me she's just written an opinion piece based on a situation that most of us have recognized for a long time. When was the last gushing article we've seen about Condi Rice? How about J.C. Watts, who only earned significant press attention when he decided to leave?

Posted by: roger at November 12, 2004 9:43 AM

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