Worlds Smallest Violin

iconHere's one that James Taranto would appreciate.

A lawyer for Roman Polanski said the filmmaker was being denied justice because he isn't allowed to sue a magazine for defamation in a British court while remaining in France.

The Polish-born director, who has lived in France since fleeing child-sex charges in the United States in 1978, is seeking to sue Vanity Fair over a 2002 article that accused him of seducing a woman while on the way to the funeral of his wife Sharon Tate, who was brutally murdered by Charles Manson's followers in Los Angeles in 1969.

Polanski wants to testify via teleconference because he knows that if he travels to England he will face extradition to the United States. A British Appeals Court has balked at his request, so Polanski thinks he is the one being denied justice.

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