Better safe than sorry

iconPeople who ask me why I carry a gun need to look no further than my own local shopping mall.

Officers fired on: Two men running from Springfield Mall security officers drew weapons, and one fired two shots at the officers Thursday afternoon, but no one was struck and the men escaped, Fairfax County police said yesterday.

The two security officers had confronted the men about 4:30 p.m. in the shopping center because they were yelling at others and creating a disturbance. The men ran from the mall and the officers gave chase, police said. Once outside, one man pulled a handgun from his waistband, and the other man drew a long knife. After firing the shots, the men fled behind Franconia Road.

Carrying a gun is a bit like wearing a seat belt. I hope I'll never need it, and in all likelihood never will. Still, better safe than sorry.

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I was struck (no pun intended) by the next story in the article. Felony hit-and-run resulting in the severing of the victim's lower left arm and a fractured skull -> four years suspended to seven months.
Heinlein's method for punishing these crimes sounds really appealing right now.

Posted by: Morenuancedthanyou at November 20, 2004 2:48 PM

What was this method?

Posted by: DaveJ at November 21, 2004 1:47 AM

Whatever a person had done to someone else, deliberately or by negligence, was done to them. In the story (Friday? I am not sure) someone had caused an accident in which the victim's leg was broken. The convicted perp was restrained on a street while a car was driven over his leg, breaking it, and he was forced to wait about 20 minutes, as the victim had had to wait, before medical attention was provided.

Posted by: Morenuancedthanyou at November 21, 2004 1:14 PM

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