Chicago: Even ex-cops shouldn't have guns

iconThe federal law allowing retired and off-duty cops to carry firearms has really spooked the city of Chicago. Apparently, the virulently anti-gun city is worried about the mental stability of it's former employees. The Tribute writes:

There are about 9,000 retired city officers, and they receive no refresher training and do not undergo physical and mental evaluations after leaving the Police Department.
Apparently ex-Chicago cops turn into raving lunatics after they leave the bosom of the CPD. (28 days later?)

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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I might worry about the ones that put in the absolute minimum of range time and could hardly shoot straight while they were active-duty cops, and probably aren't going to practice at all once they're out, except that I'm more worried about that type while they're still in the force and more likely to need to use their guns.

Posted by: markm at December 8, 2004 8:03 AM

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