The Money Pit

iconPresident Bush is vowing not to increase the payroll tax to fix the Social Security ponzi scheme. If they didn't collect that tax at the point of a gun, I would have opted out years ago. I hate social security and have come to the realization that I will never see a dime the 15% of my income that they seize from me each year. The money they take from me every month would make a nice mortgage payment in most communities.

Even if I do qualify to receive social security benefits (in the year 2040), the payments are likely to MAX out at 1/3 of my current salary. At least that is what my annual statements are telling me. No offense, but I hope to IMPROVE my living standard over time, not regress backward. As such I have already taken steps to plan for retirement. I have 401k, whole life, and several other investments going. When I retire I hope to actually get a raise, rather than having to settle for 1/3 of my income. Of course I would have a much better chance if politicians didn't take 15% of my income for their vote-buying scheme.

Keep in mind that if Social Security were run by private individuals they would be rounded up and thrown in jail. It's a ponzi scheme pure and simple, but since it's run by the government it must be okay.

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And, what is worse, all of that money being deducted has been secretly diverted to! They have their eye on you and the rest of the Pajamahadeen...

Posted by: Steve Scudder at December 10, 2004 4:30 PM

I would be really, really interesting to find a sharp lawyer/law prof type to go through the federal laws regarding pyramid schemes and the laws that run Social Security and see if the government is in violation of it's own laws, and, if so, can it be prosecuted?

Posted by: Heartless Libertarian at December 11, 2004 3:30 PM

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