Life imitates the Simpsons

iconSpringfield Police Chief Wiggum once said, "Can't you people take the law into your own hands? I mean, we can't be policing the entire city!"

The Summit County (CO) Sheriff is taking that advice. He's found a way to let other people do his job, by drafting civilian volunteers to set up speed traps so he can spend more time doing more important work. (Please, no donut jokes.)

The Summit County sheriff has a plan for cracking down on speeding: Giving citizens their own radar guns so volunteers can sit by the side of the road and watch for lawbreakers.

Sheriff John Minor said the volunteers would not have any contact with motorists and would never be responsible for issuing citations. They would forward license plate numbers to the sheriff's office, which would send out letters asking violators to slow down.

What a novel approach to crime. If you're robbed or shot in Summit County, make sure you write down their license plate number and the Sheriff will send them a letter asking them not to do that.

What is scariest about something like this, is where do police draw the line. Sure, today they are just mailing out notices. Tomorrow they'll be mailing out tickets.

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