Gun fearing men really are wussies

iconI've always been pretty sure that a lot of GFWs out there exhibit an irrational fear of guns. I know several women who plainly admit to being afraid of the inanimate devices. When she expressed fear for her life from one of her acquaintances, I recommended to one woman I know that she purchase a gun and learn how to use it. At best I would describe her response as cold and irrational fear. No gun, no way, no how. However, I've never really met a guy that exhibited that same fear. Hell, I really only know one guy that has gone on the record as being anti-gun. (I know there are plenty out there, I just don't really now any.)

Well, Julia Gorin must know a few, because she takes a scathing look inside the mind of the anti-gun male, whom she deems as cowardly.

He often accuses men with guns of "compensating for something." The truth is quite the reverse. After all, how is he supposed to feel knowing there are men out there who aren't intimidated by the big bad inanimate villain? How is he to feel in the face of adolescent boys who have used the family gun effectively in defending the family from an armed intruder? So if he can't touch a gun, he doesn't want other men to be able to either. And to achieve his ends, he'll use the only weapon he knows how to manipulate: the law.
She goes on to suggest that many GFW men are suffering from some sort of "psycho-sexual inadequacy". That is, the man feels like less of a man because of his fear of guns. Rather than admit that fear, his solution is to take guns away from everyone else, thus leveling the playing field. But if you think that sounds brutal, check out her money quote:
In short, he is a man begging for subjugation. He longs for its promise of equality in helplessness. Because only when that strange, independent alpha breed of male is helpless along with him will he feel adequate. Indeed, his freedom lies in this other man's containment.
So, I guess the next time some yokel tells me "I'm over compensating" because I own a gun, I'll shout back "'fraidy cat, 'fraidy cat, suffers from psycho-sexual inadequacy! Nyaaaah"

(By request, this was rerun from 08/04/2003)

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I had a friend reply to me (after reading Julia Goren's article) that he would much rather carry around his "pea-shooter" (what he calls the 1911-style Kimber he carries) than one of those wimpy-man "pre-shooters"!

Perhaps one of the fears not adequately dealt with by the GFW's is that the weapon will "shoot-off" before intended? :^O

Posted by: Steve Scudder at December 13, 2004 7:00 PM

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