English Prof. jokes about ''killing spree'' on Republicans

iconNow this is interesting. Pat Rothfuss, a University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point faculty member also writes satire for the student newspaper. But a recent column may have crossed the line. It included phrases like "punching smug-looking Republicans in the mouth", "key every car you see with a Bush bumper sticker", and "why don't you go on a killing spree?"

Naturally, College Republicans are upset. Not only is Rothfuss inciting violence, but as a faculty member such statements could be intimidating to conservative students. If Republicans had suggested such a thing, it would undoubtedly be called "hate speech".

For students, it's too bad Wisconsin denies her citizens the right to carry arms for self defense. If one of my professors had made such a threat, rather it be overt or 'ert, I would have been tempted to "keep and bear arms for security [and] defense" like it says to do in the Wisconsin Constitution.

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For the life of me I don't understand why students don't react to hateful remarks like this a**hole's with equally outrageous remarks and satires. It is the only way to show the hypocrisy in a well publicized form. And you can bet a 'sarcastic' call to attack the next lesbian or black face one comes across, or to key any car with a pink triangle or NAACP sticker, would bring a lot of attention, an immediate pressure build up as faculty tried to figure out how to attack the free speecher after recently defending the same type of speech against conservatives.

Posted by: mikem at December 14, 2004 11:59 AM

I'm not entirely sure that sinking to his level is the way to go. It's likely to do more harm for the cause than good.

Posted by: Ravenwood at December 14, 2004 1:28 PM

I think that timing is everything here, hence the immediate response in order to make clear that the sentiments expressed are to make a point about the hypocrisy on the left. Additionally, the freespeecher could simply state exactly what he is up to.
We have had one sided speech codes of varying design, on and off campus, for decades now. Waiting for the liberals and the left to see the bias in their speech restrictions is a joke. They are quite aware of what they are doing and only by making a mockery of their pretenses and inflicting their tactics on their preferred groups will students and others bring about any real change.

Posted by: mikem at December 14, 2004 3:14 PM

The students republican club DID try, but this arrogant ass smugly knows they can't do anything. That's why the students need our help.

Please email Pat Rothfuss at [email protected]

Please do this - Demand an apology, tell him it's not funny. What if we said go to UWSP and kill 15 or 16 students, key any car with a campus sticker on it, punch a UWSP student on the mouth or burn down their house.

Also, email the Chancellor and English Dept.
www.uwsp.edu - college website
[email protected] - Chancellor

Rothfuss is an arrogant ass who believes the college republicans on campus can't do anything to him.

Thanks in advance.

Posted by: Arnold Swartz at December 18, 2004 1:40 AM

Raven - google "Pat Rothfuss"

You'll see that Rothfuss is barely dodging this. With enough emails to the college chancellor and him, demanding an apology, we have a chance.

Maybe go national with michelle malkin or somebody like that?

Check out the college republican site at uwsp, they almost got him to apologize but he walked out on them.

Please flood him with emails, flood the English dept, flood the Chancellor. We can win this one!!

Thanks again.

Posted by: Arnold Swartz at December 18, 2004 1:45 AM

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