All your Big Macs are belong to us

iconA Cleveland area clinic hopes to have more control over their employee's and patient's diets. They are trying to evict a McDonalds restaurant, which has 10 years left on a 20 year lease, from their property. They claim that McDonalds and Pizza Hut (who they already kicked out) are major contributors to obesity.

Since the clinic makes their living off of obesity related illness, you would think they would be trying to add a Krispy Kreme instead of getting rid of McDonalds. But they say that having such unhealthy food choices at a temple of good health is hypocritical.

The Cleveland debate began two years ago when one of the clinic's most talented, most outspoken heart surgeons rose at a staff retreat to question how in good conscience they could tempt their patients with such unhealthful products.

"I can't tell you how many patients found this repulsive," said cardiology chairman Eric Topol. "How can the Cleveland Clinic, which prides itself on promoting health, have the audacity to have a McDonald's in the main lobby?"

Some days, the scent of cooking grease wafts up the one flight to Topol's domain, a heart center that has been ranked first in the nation by U.S. News & World Report for 10 straight years. He has heard all the wisecracks and not-so-amused comments about serving up a side of fries with that angioplasty.

"If this was a strip mall or a food court in a public place, that would be a different matter," he said in an interview. "We're supposed to be the icons for promoting good health."

You know, the clinic administrators would have a much easier time if they would knock off their bullshit delusions of grandeur and simply say that customers (a/k/a patients) are complaining, and that it's bad for business.

Category:  Pleasure Police
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And right down the street from the Cleveland Clinic is a Ronald McDonald House which provides free / low-cost lodging to the families of children being treated at said clinic. I'm sure there are a lot of other places in the country that could benefit from having a Ronald McDonald House in their area. Perhaps the doctor needs to rethink his righteous indignation over one of his hospital's benefactors.

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at December 16, 2004 9:35 AM

I say they should show McDonald's the door and fast. There are four other McDonald's restaurants within a mile radius of the clinic. I'd like to know who the moron was that allowed McD's in there in the first place. I'll bet the guys over at corporate have been laughing their asses off for years already.

Posted by: Susan Gaffey at December 18, 2004 4:25 PM

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