Piling on 33 1/3

iconFirst the media creates a bogus story about Rumsfeld. Then some GOP opportunists use the chance to make Rumsfeld a scape goat for their years of failed military policy. Then the Democrats see the opportunity to bring down a member of Bush's cabinet. So, who's next?

How about the American public? Let's run a poll. That is a sure fire way to keep calls for Rummy's resignation on the front pages.

If you were writing a book on how to force someone out of office, this would be good material.

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Here is the most obvious and egregious example of buying the media's rhetoric with absolutely no attempt to examine the issue at hand. I would imagine that much of the public, especially as would respond to this poll, has not the slightest iota of knowledge about Donald Rumsfeld, nor the barest understanding of military history, strategy or tactics, as well as no desire to obtain them. Imagine the possibilities if it weren't Rumsfeld, and were, say, Cohen, heading up the Armed Forces. That would mean we'd be almost as effective as in the Balkans! I personally admire Donald Rumsfeld, and from what I know of warfare, the second Iraq War was well planned and well fought, and that is the issue that the media and leftists actually have with the SecDef.

Posted by: Garrett at December 22, 2004 5:18 AM

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