Bush blamed for stingy Muslims

iconWhen it comes to tsunami disaster relief, the oil-rich Muslim nations are at the bottom of the list. Peter Jennings says that it's all Bush's fault.

On Tuesday, CNN's Octavia Nasr reported that "Arab countries are at the bottom of the list" of those pledging relief. She noted how "Saudi Arabia has pledged $30 million" and contrasted it with "the $155 million raised in 2002" in a "telethon on Saudi TV for families of Palestinian suicide bombers." A few hours later, on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, Kerry Sanders pointed out how "there's a growing debate in the Arab world whether oil-rich nations have done enough to help fellow Muslims. Contributions from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar have been relatively small." But on Wednesday's World News Tonight on ABC, Jennings managed to hold the U.S. accountable for the Muslim stinginess: "In the oil-rich countries of the Persian Gulf, citizens are being urged to do more. Indonesia is a largely Muslim nation. Ironically, the controls on Muslim charities after 9/11 may be keeping contributions down."

Jennings offered no source or authority for his theory which aired over video of kids scooping rice into bowls. . .

Unfortunately, this high school dropout is a citizen now so we can't deport him back to Canada.

Category:  All Bush's Fault
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I NEVER watch ABC or CBS news programs anymore. Never. Just keep turning they off.

Posted by: kjo at January 7, 2005 5:46 PM

Television network news has become equivalent to a double shot of ipecac syrup.

Posted by: Steve Scudder at January 7, 2005 7:13 PM

Utterly pathetic and expected, from Jennings. I haven't had to hear his voice for years now, but I appreciate those who wallow in the mud to monitor and report on what he says.

Posted by: mikem at January 7, 2005 10:04 PM

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