Ravenwood - 01/10/05 06:15 AM
Virginia Governor Mark Warner may run for the Senate in 2006 or even President in 2008. So says the Washington Post, who also gushes "Warner has cultivated an image of fiscal discipline and bipartisanship that is catapulting him into the ranks of "the mentioned" among Democrats".
By "fiscal discipline", they mean Warner passed the largest tax increase in Virginia history to cover a budget deficit that wasn't even there. The multi-billion dollar tax increase is adding to Virginia's already large $1 Billion budget surplus. After pledging "I will not raise taxes, I will not raise taxes, I will not raise taxes", Warner cried about the impending financial doom if a massive tax hike weren't passed right away. When the lie unraveled a month later, and it was discovered that there was no budget deficit, Warner told Virginians that government needed their money more than they did.
When the Post says "bipartisan, they mean that the Democrat Warner and the tax and spend Republicans in the Virginia legislature already have big plans for spending all that extra tax money that they are seizing. Warner is brining bringing politicians together from both sides of the aisle to buy votes and grow the size of government. And that's really what bipartisanship is; Democrats and Republicans each getting the pork barrel spending that they want.
The Washington Post is right, Warner would make a very good candidate for the Democrats. But God help us all if he manages to win.
By fiscal discipline, perhaps they mean he really spanked his taxpayers.
Posted by: Brian J. at January 10, 2005 7:05 AM"Warner is brining politicians together from both sides of the aisle..."
Now both parties will be in a pickle! No doubt he has consulted with Heinz Kerry on this... ;^)
Posted by: Steve Scudder at January 10, 2005 7:49 AM(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014