My Hero

iconBy now, you've probably heard of the guy who peed his way out of an avalanche. If you are asking what this guy was doing with 60 pints of beer in his car, you've obviously never read my Drunk Stories of the Day.

Of course, it's probably global warming that got him into it in the first place:

Parts of Europe have this week been hit by the heaviest snowfalls since 1941, with some places registering more than ten feet of snow in 24 hours.

Category:  Oddities
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One might say that he should write a book about his experience. Perhaps he did, in addition to writing his name in the snow!

Posted by: Steve Scudder at February 1, 2005 8:04 AM

With all the yellow snow that must be left, I'm surprised they haven't declared the site a hazardous material dumpsite....LOL

Posted by: Robert Garrard at February 2, 2005 11:33 AM

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