God bless the New York Times

iconWithout them, defeatists wouldn't have any hope at all. Responding to the recent vote in Iraq, the lefty kooks are circulating a story about a New York Times article from September 3rd or 4th, 1967. (Accounts vary.) The title was "U.S. Encouraged by Vietnam Vote Officials Cite 83% Turnout Despite Vietcong Terror", and it is supposed to further cement the Iraq=Vietnam kookery put on by the left.

Whether or not the article is real (and it appears to be) is beside the point. It may be a creepy coincidence, but the fact remains that Iraq is not Vietnam, and comparisons between the two are anecdotal at best. Vietnam was more a battle against French (and later U.S.) colonialism than anything. Furthermore, Vietnam never harbored internationally wanted criminals or terrorists like has Iraq. In fact, Iraq is more like Guadalcanal. It is but a battle in the global war on terror.

And even if the situations were similar, why is it these lefties are rooting for U.S. failure? As a former moderate Democrat turned Libertarian, I don't ever even consider going back to that party, nor do I understand how they can stay mired in such doom and gloom on a daily basis. Pessimism is for losers.

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Actually I am waiting for the Democrats to compare Iraq to being like a passenger in Ted Kennedy's car.

Posted by: TJ Jackson at February 3, 2005 6:34 PM

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