Another oblivious legislator

iconJack Cluth points out that the state of Iowa doesn't have any real problems, so they are spending their time trying to ban spinny wheels. Rep. Doug Struyk, a Republican, thinks they are a safety hazard, and that they make it hard to tell if a vehicle is moving or not.

Struyk said he was nearly involved in an accident in November near Bentley, Iowa. He was driving a truck pulling a 16-foot trailer loaded with a dozen ladders. He approached an intersection as a car with the spinning wheel covers approached from another direction. He said the spinners made it appear as if the car might still be moving through the intersection, so he braked hard and the trailer nearly jackknifed.
Struyk should take comfort in knowing that he is not alone in his struggle to master the secrets of the automobile. Late last year Fairfax County (VA) Board Chairman Gerry "Hit and Run" Connolly (a Democrat) had criminal charges thrown out because, according to the Judge, his "position and his duties have caused him to be oblivious to what is going on in his car."

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I always figured that the best way to determine if an object is moving is to do the following:

1. Observe location of object.
2. Note location of object a moment later.
3. Compare the 2 locations.
3a. If they differ, object is moving.
3b. If they don't differ, object is not moving.

Something tells me that if this dude ever played football he probably got beat by a simple head-fake every time.

Posted by: roger at February 3, 2005 9:47 AM

I have to agree with you, roger.
It's sort of like the people that slam into other cars in broad daylight, and blame it on the brake lights not working; if they had been paying attention, you'd think they'd notice the car in front of them GETTING CLOSER.

Posted by: Robert Garrard at February 3, 2005 10:15 AM

"You can take my spinning rims when you pry them from my cold dead wheels."

Posted by: Nick Bourbaki at February 3, 2005 2:04 PM

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