Inconvenience stores

iconThe owner of Copps and Pick 'n' Save stores in Milwaukee have decided to card everyone, when it comes to alcohol and tobacco.

It doesn't matter if you're 21 or 91 - you're going to get carded at Pick 'N Save.

Officials of the Roundy's supermarket chain have instituted a new ID policy at their Pick 'N Save and Copps stores in Wisconsin.

All buyers of cigarettes or alcohol are being carded. Company officials say they want to take the pressure off their cashiers, who have to make judgment calls on a customer's age.

Seventy-one-year-old Betty Ann Fischer says she thought the "sweet young man" at the store was kidding when she was asked to produce ID.

Other customers aren't too happy about the new policy. Nicky Clauer, a 45-year-old customer, says she thinks it's kind of a pain.

These store owners are free to card everyone if they want, but I can tell you that I would never shop at such a place. The city of Alpharetta Georgia has mandated this type of ignorance for years, and it drives business away. Granted it's much different when the government forces it down your throat, but the end result is ticked off customers.

On the surface, such a policy seems innocuous, and Betty Ann Fischer may think it's cute at first. But what will she think 6 months from now when they are still carding her? What will she say when they refuse to sell to her because she forgot her ID. Will it still be cute when her grandson starts working there and is forced to ask her for an ID? And then can't sell to her if she left it at home.

The root of the policy is zero tolerance and zero responsibility. Rather than train staff to make intelligent and reasoned decisions, they force everyone to live with the inconveniences of looking young. If you have your ID or aren't in too big of a hurry, it may not bother you much. But the first time you forget your ID, you might think otherwise.

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I hate to come to the defence of these people, but can you imagine what would happen if some 'older looking' shitheel got hold of some booze, got tanked up and wiped out a school bus load of kids? Is it just me, or would the scum sucking shysters be on the case, suing the store for selling booze to this 'poor, innocent child'. Yes, there is blame to be apportioned here, but lets put it where it belongs; the 'sue happy' lawyers who make a living out of human misery.

Posted by: robert in england at February 8, 2005 3:11 PM

I hear that some police department has been coducting sting operations - sending an old-looking 20 yearold informant into stores to buy beer, then busting the store clerk and owner. No telling how far these uniformed dweebs might go with makeup, etc., so if your PD might be doing this, better card everyone...

Posted by: markm at February 13, 2005 11:39 AM

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